The Instagram Influencer Who Was Murdered By Her Obsessive Ex After Getting A Restraining Order How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... How 48 Hours handles its detailed exploration of the case will be up to the perceptions of the viewing... Who Was Renee Pagel? Those who knew Renee said she went above and beyond to show kindness and grace....