see more: Blind Beagle overcomes his loneliness and embraces a bright future after finding love and comfort in the arms of his new mother.
In Alabama, Shep the blinded beagle was seen ambling down a street. He had previously been severely injured; one eye was missing entirely, and his neck and one eye were both broken. He was alone and lost too.
Shep was picked up by Two by Two Animal Rescue, which had shared a Facebook post about him, and later adopted by his new mother.
“I knew the second I saw Shep’s photo one night that we were intended to be together,” said Shep’s mother, Micah Larsen Brannon.
A vet speculated that Shep was likely tied up and abandoned for a while before being found. Shep’s eye condition left him severely disabled when he was found frozen to death.
After taking him to an ophthalmologist, they learned that Shep had suffered severe injuries that would require the removal of his remaining eye, rendering him totally blind.
“We do not know how long his injuries went untreated; no one honestly knows how long he is been blind,” Isaiah continued.
Still, the dog seems perfectly content because he is blind.
Now eight years old, Shep is overjoyed with his new existence. He can accomplish anything he sets his mind to and moves swiftly.