“[P]art of it makes me think, and I’m speaking to men directly … that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”
What “other reasons” could he be referring to?
Could it be that a vote for Harris — whether she be a man, woman, black, white, or any other race — means plunging the country further into disaster with a wide-open border, inflation, and global conflict?
To no one’s surprise, Obama brought Republican nominee and former President Donald Trump into his plea.
“[Trump] has consistently shown disregard, not just for the communities, but for you as a person – And you are thinking about sitting out?” Obama said.
Nothing says “disregard” like cheap groceries, low gas prices, and world peace.
Obama can’t speak to the substance of Harris as a viable candidate because there isn’t anything there.
While Obama is not a surprising choice to stump for Harris, rest assured that this campaign needs all the help it can get. Former President Bill Clinton is also on the campaign trail for Harris, according to Axios.
But whoever Democrats get for the job, it’s a difficult one to convince voters Harris is the right choice.
Obama appeared calm and collected, almost trying to appeal to his audience as a father figure despite proceeding to give some of the worst advice any voter could receive.
“We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all corners of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running.”
He then — as the reader has come to expect from any leftist — brings the fact that Harris is a woman into the conversation.
“Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”
And despite his reserved manner, Obama mounted what amounts to an attack on black men who are lukewarm about Harris, tacitly branding them as sexist, according to National Review.
“You’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you, because you think that’s a sign of strength, because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down?” he said. “That’s not acceptable.”
The entire message is right out of the Democratic playbook: Harris is black and a woman. Therefore, vote for her.