She Longs for a Safe Place to Live and a Full Meal, But Will That Happen?
see more: The dog’s profound gratitude was conveyed through an embrace, and it was saved from a critical condition just five minutes earlier, touching the veterinarian’s heart.
It is an extremely painful and difficult moment to have to say goodbye to a dog because it is suffering and has little chance of recovery. Nevertheless, miracles do happen in situations like Robi’s, a dog that was found injured and put on the euthanasia list right away.

After hearing tales like these, one must realize that one should always proceed with the utmost caution when bringing an injured animal to a shelter. Contrary to popular belief, many facilities are actually “kill shelters,” meaning that they will not go to great lengths to save every animal that comes in; rather, they will be committed to sacrificing animals, treating it as though it were a shopping list. Granted, there are situations in which there is no other choice, but not always. Five minutes remained before a healthy dog was put to death.

Robi’s only problem was that he was discovered limping due to an injury to one of his legs; if the authorities had handled him like any other stray, he would have been put down right away. The idea was to sedate every dog in the group equally, regardless of health, and then administer a lethal dose to make Robi and the other dogs die.

Just five minutes before Robi was to be put to sleep, his rescuers heard him yell to stop the process and ask to be saved. Fortunately, this cry for justice arrived just in time to prevent such a cowardly act. Robi was taken to VetRanch, where the doctors discovered something that shocked them: the poor puppy was not actually in danger, but rather in robust health, with no broken bones and only a bruised leg that made him limp.

Robi is a lucky pup, no doubt about it. But the story does not end there. His heroes did not realize how much he loved hugs until after saving his life. He is the cutest thing in the world. What if the same was done to those who ordered his life to be ended? Well, that would be fair, would not it? Do not you think? Studies showed that he had no serious or permanent injuries.

The physicians stressed the need for utmost prudence in making the hasty decision to euthanize an innocent being unnecessarily, saying that they felt quite connected to Robi because he is a really nice and thankful dog.

Robi’s veterinarian was unable to stop giving him hugs. “It is hard to think that we were so close to needlessly killing such a friendly and gentle being like Robi,” one of the rescuers exclaimed. Robi quickly gained recognition for his ability to give the most heartfelt hugs of gratitude, which seem to convey his happiness at being alive.

Robi was brought to a new home a month after his rescue and full recovery, where he is currently cherished and cared for by his new family; according to his new mother, they are both pleased with the experience. “Rest confident that Robi is being pampered appropriately,” she stated.
Euthanizing an animal can be the most beautiful and compassionate deed we can do for it when it is so sick or injured that its quality of life can never be good or acceptable. But, we at Zoorpreοde\te would like to remind you that the decision to end an animal’s life because it is abandoned and has no home should bring shame to our society.
Thank you, Robi, for overcoming death and finding the loving owner you have been waiting for! Your story is sure to awaken people’s consciences.